Transformation: 2016 “ Of The Years” choices
By R.B. Holmes Jr.
Publisher and President
This has been an amazing year politically, socially, morally, educationally, emotionally and financially. The persons who we have selected this year as our special 2016 honorees are people of great strength, courage, compassion and vision. You will find below these high achievers whom are worthy of this honor.
The Person of the Year: Florida A & M University President Larry Robinson. Dr. Robinson has been called upon for the third time to serve as FAMU’s interim president. Why? Because he is a premier leader, gifted educator, consensus builder, excellent communicator and advocate for a stronger and greater FAMU. Dr. Robinson has already, in a few months, won the respect and admiration of trustees, students, faculty, staff and community stakeholders. The vision that he laid out before the trustees at their most recent Board meeting was compelling and aspirational.
The Family of the Year: The Reverend Mark and Bernice McMillan. This is a dynamic couple. The McMillians understand the power of partnership and unity: they have a very motivating talk show, where they share with the audience great humor and substance on the keys for a happy and lasting marriage. They are co- pastors of the thriving Divine Revelation ministry.
The Organization of the Year: The historic One Church One Child organization. For over 20 years this statewide adoption organization has founded thousands of homes for children in foster care! The leadership of The Reverend Alfred Williams and Dr. Sailor have been strong advocates on behalf of children who need a loving home and parents.
The Church of the Year: The Multitude of Christ Church. Pastored by Prophet Kevin Hawkins, the Multitude of Christ Church is an active church with a big heart. Multitude of Christ quietly helps those in need on the south side of Tallahassee. Prophet Hawkins boldly leads his congregants by preaching the unadulterated, unfiltered truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Business of the Year: Piggly Wiggly wins this honor. We commend Mr. Roy Moore for bringing this grocery store to the south side of Tallahassee. This grocery store location has blessed the community with fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and other quality foods. Also, Mr. Moore brought to the south side much needed jobs and economic vitality.
The Pastor of the Year: The Reverend Lee Johnson, the pastor of the historic Trinity Presbyterian Church. Reverend Johnson is the former president of the SCLC; he is a consistent advocate for justice and equality for oppressed and poor people. He is a strong voice for developing better police and community relations.
The Civil Right Advocate of the Year: Dale Landry, the outgoing president of the NAACP has earned this esteem honor. Mr. Landry has served the community with dignity and honor: He has been an invaluable force and voice in leading marches and rallies in an effort to ensure that social justice issues were not swept under the rug.
The Millennial of the Year: Dr. Kristi Reese. Dr. Reese is a physician who has a heart of compassion for her patients. She is a physician that has an outstanding reputation of providing her patients with quality care. Dr. Reese is extremely involved with her church and community, she gives an enormous amount of time sharing her skills in Heath fairs, community forums and mission work.
The Youth of the Year: Alani Triplett. Alani is developing into a formidable ballet dancer. She performs at many cultural events and leaves the audience mesmerized. She is a quiet, caring, calm and charismatic leader. She is on pace to become a world-renowned ballet dancer. Keep your eyes on her.
Congratulations to these honorees. We will do a profile on each of these highly regarded leaders. Also, we will officially honor them in February of 2017.