The spirit of democracy being challenged with a delete button

American democracy in 2021 is being challenged by a conservative Republican Party, and a conservative Supreme Court. According to author and reporter of the Guardian, Robert Reich, “American democracy is fighting for its life, and the Republicans don’t care.”
With only 25 percent of the American electorate Republican, it would appear that the Democrats would be in control of the politics, but the Senate is tied, and the House is in control by four votes. Most Americans are not concerned with the details of politics, and very few people know if they are voting for a Democrat or a Republican.
Even though the Supreme Court is controlled by six (6) conservative judges, who support the Republican Party, most Americans don’t care. There are nine (9) judges on the entire court, and the Republicans have every possible advantage with the numbers in their favor.
Most Americans would like to believe that the courts are fair, and the system is set up to give everyone an equal chance, but that is not the case. Paul Waldman of the Washington Post said, “In the past few years, this court has again and again taken a hammer to the rules meant to ensure free elections in which all Americans can participate on an equal footing.”
In 2011, the Supreme Court stroked down a public financing law meant to allow candidates relying on small donations to compete with self-financed millionaires and billionaires. In 2013, the Supreme Court stroked down the heart of the Voting Rights Act, claiming it was no longer necessary because racism is pretty much over. In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld ruthless voter purges that disenfranchise thousands of voters.
It is obvious that racism is alive and well, on and in the Supreme Court, and justice and integrity will be a fight. Conservative is an ideological that the Republicans and the Supreme Court use, but the system is really about power, control, and the color of your skin. With six conservative judges, the system is not set up to be fair.
American democracy is under attack, and it is important that the media begins to tell the truth. Former President Donald Trump is a criminal, and he was the leader of a violent attempt to overthrow the government. When a President holds a political rally, and after the rally there was an attempted coup of the government, and police die, there is only one logical explanation.
Trump incited an insurrection, and again it is important for the media to tell the truth. On July 3, a group of a militia stopped traffic on an interstate for nine hours, and they call themselves, “The Rise of the Moors.” They were heavily armed, and they are a militia, training for a local war in America.
In every state in the country, there are heavily armed militias with weapons of mass destructions that can wipe out entire communities in 20 minutes. There are now billionaires, who are financing state’s national guards, to go to other states for support. When judges and state Supreme Courts allow billionaires to decide political decisions with governors and legislatures, democracy is being challenged.
Americans who follow the Supreme Court’s decisions were not surprised, when the six conservative judges upheld on July 1, 2021, Arizona’s two voter suppression laws. One law made it a crime if you delivered someone else’s absentee ballot, and the second was if you voted in the wrong precinct, your vote would not be valid. The spirit of democracy is being challenged again, and most of it does not make sense.
Educating all Americans to the truth of the challenge of democracy is a 24 hour job, and the numbers are still on the Democrats side. The fight is on the local, state and federal level, and we must build strong alliances and coalitions. There must be a free and fair vote, and there must be integrity, and an honest government.
The rule of law still prevails, your vote is your voice, and America is still safe and prosperous. Democracy in America still guarantees, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.