“ The Passion” Came to Cascades Park
Photos by Gerome Ogeris
On Good Friday, April 3, the music and fine arts minis-tries of Jacob Chapel Baptist Church presented “The Pas-sion of The Christ” play live at Cascades Park in Tallahassee. This was the church’s fifth an-nual presentation. However, this was the first time it was presented at a venue outside the church.
With a home-grown cast of over 200 actors, singers and crew members, this drama brought many Biblical truths to life, including the death, buri-al, and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.
Pastor O. Jermaine Sim-mons was given the vision to move to an outdoor venue af-ter the event quickly outgrew the sanctuary. In previous years, the play was held on the Friday and Saturday before Easter, with both shows being full to capacity. This year, more than 3,000 people were in at-tendance at the park, with peo-ple sitting on lawn chairs and watching from the bridges overlooking the stage.