The Omega Lamplighters reflect on the power of the youth
Special to the Outlook
The Omega Lamplighters represent the premiere youth group in the Tallahassee Big Bend area. The kids range in age from 12-18 and practice the principles of leadership, academics, maturity, and perseverance. The Omega Lamplighters have been making a positive impact in the Leon County area since its founding in 2008. The young men participate in diverse social action and community service projects focusing on the concept of Uplift. Service is consistent amongst the young men and their motto “It Takes a Village” reflects unity and accountability. Brother Royle King is the founder and director of the Omega Lamplighters. Brother King provides a yearly blueprint and agenda for the young men to follow and excel in. Programs such as Academic Excellence, Athletic Awareness, Dress for Success, My Brother’s Keeper, and The Step Team are designed to keep the kids active and engaged. In the era of Black on Black crime and Black Lives Matter, the Lamplighters remain a pillar of positive action and Black power. The program attracts young men moving with a purpose in search of completing a vision of positive expansion. These young men have been exposed to historical, spiritual, and academic platforms. The unity of the members reflects strength and focus for the cause of good. All workshops and programs reflect a need in our young men’s lives and are designed to enhance their sense of maturity. The step team is also a major component of the Omega Lamplighter program. The Step Team affords kids the experience of working as one, traveling to various cities, and team accountability. The power of the youth in predominately inner-city areas is often taken for granted. Many of our youth are being written off before the age of 18, used as case studies and bookmarked as a statistic. The Omega Lamplighters work hard to dispel these myths and stereotypes. The power of the youth is an untapped concept in many of our communities. The youth are indeed our future. We invest in stocks, we gamble on sports, why not invest in our children, our legacy, our seeds?
Assistant Director Larry Harris states” Our youth deserve the attention and guidance it takes to change the current situation of our neighborhoods, communities, cities, and states.”
The Omega Lamplighters have been involved in Black history projects, feeding the homeless, nursing home visitation, academic excellence workshops, church visitations, and numerous other meaningful social action initiatives. Each workshop and social action serves a purpose, a meaningful purpose by uplifting the mind, body and soul. This movement is also supported by the Omega Lamplighter parents and members of the Chi Omega Chapter, Upsilon Psi Chapter and Chi Theta Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. The Lamplighters look forward to this year’s 500 Miles Civil Rights and College Tour, 2018 Induction ceremony, and the Lamplighter banquet. For further information on the Omega Lamplighters visit the website at www.omegalamplighters.org
If you know of anybody that may benefit from this program or would like to donate contact Brother King @ 214-364-2921 or Larry Harris @ 850-702-4947