The Christian Response to the Coronavirus
How Is Your Faith?
By Reverend Dr. RB Holmes, Pastor
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
How is your faith at this time in your life? I am praying that the God who said, “I am that I am” will give you the strength and the resolve to continue to trust his perfect will for your life. Friends, when God called Moses to go and tell that old Pharaoh to “let his people go” (Exodus 9:1), holy shock waves went through Moses’ soul. However, God told him who He was in Exodus 3: 14: “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am! and he saith, thus saith thou say unto the children of Israel, I am hath sent me unto you.” God is saying my name has the power to get this job done. Moses uses that name; you don’t need to add anything to my name: no adjectives, no adverbs, no nouns, nor pronouns. Just tell him that the “I Am that I am” sent you.
Friends, when we introduce ourselves, we have to fill in the blanks. For example, I am RB Holmes, Jr. I am a pastor; I am a father; I am a husband; I am a grandfather; I am family man; however, God doesn’t need all of the adjectives. Whatever you need, God says I am that! If you need deliverance, I am that! If you need healing, I am that! If you need a friend, I am that! If you need a way made out of no way, I am that! God’s name has everything we need. God’s name is the Almighty God. I believe God’s name is above every name. I believe the great I am can and will deliver us from this coronavirus. Yes, Moses used that name to set his people free. We can use that name to free us of this fear and dismay about this dangerous virus.
Jesus says that there is power in His name. God sent Jesus down here to teach us how to pray in His name. “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (St. Matthew 21:22) Let’s see: Jesus, in your name, strengthen our faith! Jesus, in your name, heal a reader of this devotion! Jesus, in your name, do a miracle for the readers and turn some midnight into day! There is power in that name!
“There is a name I love to hear; I love to sing its worth,
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth. Oh, how I love Jesus; oh, how I love Jesus; Because He first loved me.”
I opened this devotional with a question: How is your faith? I close with a declaration: Keep the faith! Take the name of Jesus with you everywhere you go!! AMEN