Study Abroad in the Dominican Republic

Mildred, Shelly, Marty, Katelon, Laurin, Meredith, Chantal, Nathan & Tyler, relaxing at the beach
Photo special to the Outlook
Special to the Outlook
The Director of the International Nursing Education Consortium, Dr. Mildred D. Fennal, has just returned from a successful study abroad experience in the Dominican Republic. Assistant Professor Marty Hucks and six nursing students from Francis Marion University in Florence South Carolina and one Public Health Student from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina completed the study abroad group
The experience included evaluation of three different levels health care delivery through observation and participation in different hospitals and clinics. The group even had the opportunity to work at the Dr. Cruz Jiminian Clinic known worldwide for its delivery of care to the poor. The group also had an unexpected clinical experience caring for victims of a train/trolley accident in the Botanical Gardens while touring the historical site. None of the travelers were seriously injured.
Students and faculty lived with Dominican families to enhance cultural immersion, to aid in the development cultural competence. They also took Spanish classes at a local school. The experience culminated with an international workshop, where students had the opportunity to become international conference speakers prior to graduation from college. The conference was attended by professional nurses and nursing students from the United States and the Dominican Republic. In addition to the student speakers, Dr. Lovene Knight, President of the Multicultural Nursing Society of Lost Angeles California, Mrs. Marty Hucks, Assistant Professor of Nursing from Florence, South Carolina, and Dr. Mildred Fennal from the International Nursing Education Consortium, Tallahassee, Florida presented as well. The topic of the Conference was “Nurses preparing for Delivery of Health Care in a Global Society”.