Strong neighborhoods, strong community
The greater Bond neighborhood showcases its neighborhood first action plan
Special to the Outlook from the City of Tallahassee
Last week, the Greater Bond Community Action Team, along with the City of Tallahassee, debuted the draft Greater Bond Neighborhood First Plan at a community showcase and open house. The plan seeks to engage the community and create a sense of place by addressing four priority areas: Neighborhood Safety, Community Beautification, Land Use and Economic Development and Resident Empowerment.
This is part of a continuing effort to strengthen the Greater Bond Community. It was developed through months of discussion, analysis and work by the Greater Bond Community Action Team, stakeholders and City staff. Using the additional feedback received from the community at last week’s community showcase and open house, the plan will be further refined to ensure it aligns with the neighborhood’s vision and goals. For residents who were unable to attend the events but would like to provide feedback, the draft plan is available online at Talgov.com.
The draft plan is scheduled to be adopted by the community at the Greater Bond Neighborhood Association meeting on September 24 at the Smith-Williams Center, 2295 Pasco Street, at 6 p.m. It will then be presented to the City Commission for consideration at its regular meeting on October 24.
The Greater Bond Neighborhood First Plan is one of several efforts underway in Tallahassee to collaboratively develop community vision and protect the integrity of neighborhoods. The Tallahassee-Leon Planning Department has been working with the Frenchtown Community for more than a year to establish the Frenchtown Placemaking Plan, which was approved by the City Commission at its meeting on September 12.
The Frenchtown Placemaking Plan lays out four overarching goals to move Frenchtown forward by addressing short- and long-term needs to help preserve the area’s history, enhance the quality of life, support economic development and more. Some projects included in the plan are already in progress, including City investments like the installation of permanent bike lanes along main thoroughfares and community investments like the expansion of the Frenchtown Heritage Hub through its KitchenShare operation. More information is available in the plan, which is accessible online at Talgov.com.
“Strong neighborhoods with involved residents are vital to a community’s overall success,” Mayor Pro Tem Curtis Richardson said. “Working together, our collective efforts will ensure that Tallahassee’s neighborhoods continue to flourish.”
The City of Tallahassee offers a variety of programs and resources to help neighborhoods build connections, enhance safety and thrive, such as the Neighborhood PREP program and the Neighborhood Public Safety Initiative. Learn more at Talgov.com or by calling 891-8795.