Serendipity, 1,921 days and gray hair along the way to judgeship
Ask Judge Smith
Judge Layne Smith
When I ran for circuit judge in 2010, I lost the election. As disappointing as losing was, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it sent me in unexpected and rewarding directions. It was also humbling. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I wouldn’t trade my delayed route to the bench for a quicker or easier path.
Losing put me at a crossroad and my options were to either resurrect my law practice or start a new career in public service. I chose public service by becoming the General Counsel for the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. During my 44 months there, I managed 120 employees and annual budgets in excess of $8 million. Afterward, I served three months as the General Counsel for the Florida Lottery before being appointed Leon County Judge in March of 2015.
I worked hard to retain my county seat in 2016 and in the process learned that winning an election is even more humbling than losing one. As of June 30, 2020, I will have served 1,921 days as your county judge. It has been my happiest and most fulfilling job and the pure joy of it has been helping regular people work through their legal problems. It has been my privilege to serve you in the people’s court.
In March of 2020, I faced another crossroad regarding whether to apply for an open circuit court seat. It wasn’t an easy decision because I love being a county judge and think it is an equally important job. After praying about it and discussing the differences between the jobs with my family, I applied for the circuit seat.
I am grateful to our local judicial nominating committee for including my name on the list of highly qualified candidates it sent to Governor DeSantis. I am also grateful to the Governor for appointing me to be your next circuit judge.
I resigned my position as county judge effective July 1, 2020. On that same day, I’ll take the oath of office to become your circuit judge, no doubt the most challenging job I will ever have. I deliberately turn this page and am humbled by the opportunity to serve you and the people of Leon, Jefferson, Gadsden, Wakulla, Franklin and Liberty Counties.
Fully respecting the collective wisdom of the people, I conclude with this observation. If you had elected me circuit judge in 2010, I would have given the job my best effort. In comparison though, I will be a better circuit judge for you in 2020 because of what I learned and experienced during the intervening decade. Perhaps this is best symbolized by my gray and missing hair.
The Honorable J. Layne Smith is a Leon County Judge and author of the international bestselling book “Civics, Law, and Justice—How We Became U.S.” Email your questions to askjudgesmith@gmail.com.