Residents Meet with Local Leaders for Speed Dating
By Devin Powell
Outlook Writer
Many gathered Feb 26. for pizza and speed dating fun with local leaders to discuss their concerns and suggestions.
St John’s Episcopal Church, Village Square and Leadership Tallahassee hosted the annual “Speed Date” event. There were 14 local leaders in attendance ranging from Tallahassee City Commissioners, Leon County Commissioners, the Chief of Police, Leon County Schools Superintendent, Tallahassee Democrat Publisher, Mayor of Tallahassee and many more.
“It is an annual event and this is our third year that we are doing it,” said Christine White, who presided over the event.
Each local leader was given seven minutes at 14 different tables to answer any questions that were asked. Many participants asked questions pertaining to issues that affected them personally and even gave some suggestions on ways the city and or county could improve.
“It is a very popular event and we have had very steady attendance. We fill the room every time,” said White. “We hear great feedback from the participants they get a much more one on one type of interaction that they would never get otherwise.”
Participants came for multiple reasons and Christopher Dimacoli attended to introduce himself and get to know some of the cities leaders. On a personal level he was interested in strengthening Tallahassee’s community as a bicycle advocate.
“I’m a huge cyclist and I want to see Tallahassee grow as a cyclist leader and a leader in urban development regarding cycling and public transportation as well as a progressive and efficient city,” said Dimacoli. “I would recommend this event for anybody who is concerned with the development of Tallahassee either economically or any person who is interested in seeing Tallahassee grow.”