Parents Get a Break During Special Night Out

Photo by Navael Fontus
Kids waited for their pizza and refreshments as Disney’s “Monster University” played.
By Navael Fontus
Outlook Writer
Friday night served as a chance for parents to relax and their kids to get wild as the Parents Night Out Kids Camp got underway at the Sue McCollum Community Center in Tallahassee.
The special camp gives parents a chance to unwind at home or enjoy a night out on the town while their kids are being watched for the evening at the Community Center. Kids had a fun-filled evening, starting with getting some cardio in on the playgrounds and fields that the center offers. Smiles were big and wide as kids from kindergarten to 12-years-old tossed Frisbees, played catch with the football and ran with the soccer ball.
“It’s almost like summer camp in the fall,” Scott Sears, assistant recreations supervisor said.
After outside play, kids then went inside and had pizza as the Disney film “Monsters University” played for their entertainment.
“It was a new innovative idea to offer parents a chance to go out and enjoy themselves and have the reassurance that their kids are going to be somewhere safe and fun having a good time,” said Tracy Davis, recreations supervisor.
After the movie, the kids had a chance to get hands-on, doing arts and craft projects and even baked cupcakes. The program, which ran from 5:30 to 10 p.m. was event-packed to make sure kids at the camp never had a dull moment or had to miss their parents while mom and dad were enjoying themselves.
“With the rigors of school being all day, they get to come here enjoy themselves and have a good time,” Davis said, speaking on how much the kids enjoy the special day camp.
Davis and The Sue McCollum Community Center plans to organize more events like this one in the future so it can be an event that parents look forward to when they need a night out. There are already three events planned for the months of November, December and even a Parents Night Out on Valentine’s Day.