Parade honors, recognizes Vets for service

Tallahassee Marine Corps League Arthur R. Meyers Jr. DET 472 cruised in their float at Veteran parade.
By Chaninn Ragland
Outlook Writer
Families were dressed in red, white, and blue, children’s eyes gazed at parade floats, and vets waved American flags as thousands of people gathered in downtown Tallahassee to honor the men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces at the city’s annual Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 11.
A ring of Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) officers on motorcycles cleared the way for the parade’s start.
The parade began at approximately 10:45 a.m. at the intersection of Monroe and Tennessee Streets, then turned right and ended on Madison Street.
There were a variety of groups and organizations that participated in the parade such as Pack 23 of the Boy Scouts of America, FAMU DRS JROTC, Godby High School Air Force JROTC, Tallahassee Community College’s Veterans Association, FAMU’s Marching 100 and many more.
Kendall Harris, a Marching 100 bass drum player and public relations student from Tallahassee, said one thing that stood out about this year’s parade was the band being one of the first acts.
“It was gratifying to know we were appreciated by the veterans,” said Harris. “All they wanted was a parade to enjoy.”
Harris mentioned that he has family members who served in military. “My older brother was one of the last troops to leave Afghanistan,” Harris said.
Some love to come out every year just to see all the acts that participate in the parade.
“My favorite thing about the parade is seeing all the huge military trucks, school drill teams and marching bands,” said Shelby Foy, a Tallahassee resident.
For some, the parade means more than just the festivities, but a time to reminisce.
People like Ron Motter, who retired in Tallahassee after serving 21 years in the Air Force, said he uses the parade as a time to reminisce with old friends that he served with.
“Just seeing some of the guys I served in combat duty with,” said Motter. “Especially the old veterans, that shows a lot.”
The event was hosted by Vet Events Tally. Vet Events Tally is an organization that consists of volunteer Veterans and citizens from the Big Bend area whose primary goal is to commend and recognize persons who currently serve and those who have serve in the Armed Forces.