“On The Run” with The Shine Tour
By Bre-Shara McCall
Outlook Writer
On Oct. 24, The Shine Tour made its way to Tallahassee for a fun-filled 5K Color Run.
The Color Run was founded in early 2011 to promote happiness, healthiness, fun and individuality. “The Happiest 5K on the Planet” consists of a 5 kilometer (3.1 miles) running course, drenching runners, walkers and dancers at five different color stations at each kilometer until they cross the finish line. After completing the course, a finish festival was held where participants celebrated, socialized, visited partnering vendors and purchased Color Run merchandise.
“We want everyone to be able to do a fun and healthy activity together,” said The Shine Tour Assistant Event Director, Sarah Rogers. “This is what makes us ‘The Happiest 5K on the Planet.’”
The Shine Tour selected local organization Girls on the Run of the Big Bend (GOTR of the Big Bend) as its charity partner for the second consecutive year. GOTR of the Big Bend is a non-profit program catered to providing valuable life skills to girls in the 3rd to 8th grade. The after-school program meets twice a week for 10 weeks, ending with the girls participating in a 5K running event. GOTR of the Big Bend strives to excel in core values like (provided by GOTR Big Bend website):
•Recognize power and responsibility to be intentional in decision making.
•Embrace differences and find strength in connectedness
•Express joy, optimism and gratitude through our words, thoughts and actions
•Nurture physical, emotional and spiritual health
•Lead with an open heart and assume positive intent
•Stand up for ourselves and others
“Our mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience based curriculum that builds self-esteem and healthy lifestyles,” said Ericka McKibbin, executive director of GOTR of the Big Bend.
LeNaѐ Wright, a public relations graduating senior, says she bought her tickets for the event months in advance. “I’ve been looking forward to this for over a year now and I’m so happy I did it, I’m coming back every year!”
More information about The Color Run can be found at https://thecolorrun.com/ and Girls on the Run of the Big Bend at http://www.gotrbigbend.org/