Omega Lamplighters end Black History month with a bang
By Devin Powell
Special to the Outlook
The Omega Lamplighters were an unexpected treat for the women prisoners being held at the Gadsden Correctional Facility Feb.26 for their annual Black History Month program.
The Omega Lamplighters is a mentoring group sponsored by the Chi Omega (graduate) and The Upsilon Psi Chapters (FAMU) of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc, whose mission is to work and establish relationships with young men to offer support, mentorship, guidance and to assist them in their transformation to manhood.
High kicking, loud chanting, and a combination of unison movements is what the inmates witnessed. It was the first time that a youth group was ever allowed to participate and the inmates already are asking if and when the young men were returning. Monica Ellis who is currently incarcerated at the facility stated “ Wow! My mind was blown… the sky is the limit when the lamplighters’ footprints are on the moon.”
The boys were very happy they were able to leave a lasting impact on the inmates as they expressed themselves through stepping. Jamari Gunn who happens to be the youngest lamplighter to perform at the prison had this to say about the visit.
“ The Show was amazing. The visit to the facility made me realize that no matter what the ladies did they are still someone’s mom, daughter and sister.”
The lamplighters showcased a variety of steps that the inmates and correctional officers both found very entertaining. Many women were taken back as they thought of their sons while watching the young men display their talents without being stage fright.
“ I like them, great job they kept their composure with no stage fright!” said Star Davis, an inmate at the facility.
Shawn Hollaway, a junior at Rickards High School and regional president of the Omega Lamplighters said, “ It was a very humbling experience and it felt very good to be able to give back and see how happy our show made the women and staff.”
To get more information about the lamplighters contact Royle King II (214) 364-2921
Email: lamplighters850@gmail.com
Instagram : Lamplighters850