Morris and Anita Davis: a living example of lasting marriage
Family of the Month
By Marquavia Smith
Outlook writer
Every woman deserves a man who respects her, and every man deserves a woman who appreciates his efforts.
Morris and Anita Davis are living examples of just that.
Neither of them expected that the casual conversation during their first meeting would make a couple that sets a standard for building a solid relationship. This June, the Davises, who first met in Buffalo, N.Y., will celebrate their 54th year of marriage.
“When I met him it was just casual acquaintances,” said Mrs. Davis. “Not thinking about marriage or nothing, just happened to meet him where I was working.”
Now she exudes love for her husband through a smile while talking about him.
“He’s a good husband and provider, always making sure we were healthy, wealthy, and wise,” she said.
The couple raised three children from Mrs. Davis’ previous marriage. It took some time but Morris eventually accepted being a father to the children, whose father had died.
As a result, their passion for each other blossomed.
“Most people don’t like to go into ready-made families,” she said, adding that he grew to love them and they loved him.
Mrs. Davis didn’t think twice when Mr.Davis asked for her hand in marriage. “He was a good family man, and a good Christian,” she said. “He wanted to raise good children, and helped me raise good children.”
Mrs. Davis loves her kids and talked proudly of them. “All my kids were recruited to higher education,” she stated boastfully.
During their educational years, her daughter Lynn Jefious Lyes, who sadly passed away from breast cancer, went to Boston State College on a scholarship, Wayne Lyes went to Iowa State on a football scholarship, and the youngest, who is now 58-years-old, Mark Lyes went to FSU on a football scholarship.
Which is sort of how the Davises ended up in Tallahassee.
After retiring from the U.S Air Force in 1971, Mr.Davis decided that he didn’t want to stay in Buffalo anymore. And after visiting Tallahassee so many times, and loving the environment, he decided that was the place to move his family.
“We moved here because of the weather” said Mr.Davis. “It’s good here, the weather in Buffalo is so nasty and cold.”
Mrs.Davis has been very active in the Tallahassee community since the day she moved here.
“I don’t think God just put us here’” she said. ” He put us here to do the right thing.”
She has been a member of the NAACP for 30 years, and was president of the Tallahassee branch for 20, she ran for county commissioner and won in 1990, and she’s currently President of the Jake Gaither neighborhood association.
But that’s not even half of her accomplishments. Her home is a museum of all the things she’s done for the community, with over a dozen awards, plaques, and pictures from families, communities, politics, and more.
Mrs. Davis has always been an outreach worker, since the age of ten. She’s always helping where she can ,rather it’s education or health.
“I’m a servant,” she said, also adding that Mr.Davis doesn’t mind what she does, “He says I do it well.”
Although Mr.Davis hasn’t been quite as busy as Mrs.Davis, working as a food service director at Elder Care Services kept him busy for some time.
“After 25 years at Elder care, I retired” he said. “That was enough.”
Now Mr.Davis spends his days with his loving wife at restaurants eating, talking and enjoying life.
“I don’t do anything but go to McDonald’s every morning,” he said. “We sit, talk, and drink up all their coffee,” ending with a laugh and look towards his wife.
“We been together for so long,” said Mrs.Davis. “And I’ve put up with a whole lot,” said Mr.Davis making each other laugh.
“We’ve lasted because it’s a partnership, and most people forget they are partners,” Mrs.Davis added.
If you ever want to know about long lasting love, ask someone with a lifetime of experience with it, like the Davises, who have served their community, while still giving one another the love and affection to keep each other going.