Mangum’s Message: No Time Like Now!
By Christopher Lampley
Outlook Writer
President Elmira Mangum delivered a stern message to a crowd filled with students, faculty and staff during the President’s Convocation Sept. 15.
Gaither gymnasium was filled to capacity as some people sat, while others stood and listened to Mangum address the state of FAMU and the academic progression of the school. Mangum highlighted individual achievements of students and staff around the school and urged everyone in attendance, FAMU student or not, to continue to strive for excellence.
There was emphasized importance placed on graduating in four years throughout Mangum’s speech.
“In the past 16 months, we’ve made increasing the University’s graduation rates our top priority,” Mangum said. “Our main goal is to ensure that you (students) finish on time.”
Mangum said that improvements have been made in just about every aspect of the university that deals with student success while at the school and after they leave.
“If you look around campus, you’ll see all kinds of signs of improvement,” Mangum said as she rattled off a list of new projects that are set to start around campus.
Of the projects, a new student affairs building will replace the vacant Diamond and McGuinn residence halls. “We believe this sums up a new transformation of change,” Mangum added.
Just as much as Mangum stressed the importance of student perseverance, she also stressed students aiding in changing the academic culture of the school. Countless resources were named throughout the speech that would allow students take full advantage of their academic career.
Before Mangum concluded her speech, she got the crowd rocking with her own version of a popular rap song, “Energy,” by the artist Drake.
“Rattlers, we got enemies. Got a lot of enemies … I’m talking about the enemies such as skipping class and bad study habits.”