Local high school leaders participate in the Links Beautillion
Treyvious L. Copeland Jermaine Edwards
Brantley Gibson Miles Davis Johnson
Special to the Outlook
The Tallahassee Chapter of The Links, Incorporated has launched its 13th Annual Leadership Development, Mentoring, Character Education Program and Links Beautillion.
The Links Beautillion features a multi-faceted curriculum-based program that will culminate on March 5 with a black-tie formal event. In addition to mentoring facilitated by community leaders, Links Beautillion participants (referred to individually as a “Beau”) will engage in a development program centered around: rites of passage, cultural awareness, leadership development and community service learning.
The Beautillion also promises superlative achievement and scholarship awards that the participants can use for their college education. This year, 11 young men are participating in the Beautillion.
For the next few weeks, we will profile these young leaders, beginning with this issue. This week featured Beaux are Treyvious L. Copeland, Jermaine Edwards, Brantley Gibson, and Miles Davis Johnson.
Name: Treyvious L. Copeland
School: Gadsden County High School (dual enrolled at FAMU)
Parents: Taneka Copeland and Darrius Dudley
Future College: Florida A&M University
Planned Major: Pharmacy
Desired Profession: Pharmacist
Profile: Treyvious is the student body president and current Mr. Gadsden High School. He is also President of the National Honor Society, National Beta Club and African-American Culture Club. He serves as an ambassador for the FAMU Trio program and is a member of the National Honor Society of High School Scholars and FSU SSTRIDE program. He is also President of the Distinguished Young Gentlemen. He is an active volunteer with the MLK Committee of Chattahoochee and Chattahoochee Elementary School. An active member of Greater Bethel MBC, he serves on the Usher Board and ministers through mime.
Guiding Scripture: “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.” Job 8:7 (NIV)
Name: Jermaine Edwards
School: Leon High School
Parents: Harold & Talethia Edwards
Future College: Southeastern University
Planned Major: Ministry
Desired Profession: Pastor or Worship Leader
Profile: Jermaine is in the Leon High School band as the French Horn section leader and is a member of the Leon High School Capital Singers as the Bass Section Leader. He is a member of the Madrigals and Thespian Troupe. He has also participated in Youth Leadership Tallahassee and the Alpha Leadership Program. He is an active member of Celebration Baptist Church where he serves as a musician and as a worship leader.
Guiding Scripture: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
Name: Brantley Gibson
School: James S. Rickards High School—International Baccalaureate Program
Parents: Erik and Lametra Smallwood
Future College: North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Planned Major: Journalism and Mass Communication
Desired Profession: Director of Content Marketing
Profile: Brantley is a member of the Rickards track and field team, cross country team, a student photographer and is a member of the school’s multimedia club. He is a member of the National Honor Society and has previously been a member of the French Club and Speech and Debate Club. He is President of the Tallahassee Chapter of the Kappa League and President of the Teen Group of the Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. He is also a member of Stemout, a student-led organization that aims to promote interest in STEM among minority students in Leon County. He is an active member of Celebrate New Life Tabernacle Church.
Significant Quote: “I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert
Name: Miles Davis Johnson
School: Florida A&M Developmental Research School
Parents: Heather and Micheal Johnson
Future College: Harvard College
Planned Major: Pre-engineering
Desired Profession: Aeronautical Researcher for NASA
Profile: Miles is a member of the National Honor Society, the Beta Club and serves as the Senior Class Secretary of the Student Government Association. He was named a 2022 Sunshine State Scholar and was certified in Agriculture Education Services and Technology in 2021. He is also a certified Taekwondo instructor and has earned rank as a Third Degree, Level III Black Belt. He is an active volunteer with First Harvest.
Significant Quote: “If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your own strength.” Sun Tzu
For more information about how to attend the Beautillion ceremony email tallahasseelinksbeautillion@gmail.com or go to Eventbrite for ticket information: Tallahassee (Fl) Chapter of the Links, Inc. – 13th Annual Links Beautillion Tickets, Sun, Mar 5, 2023 at 6 p.m. | Eventbrite.