Links arts scholarship holiday event features award-winning filmmaker Akil Dupont

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Special to the Outlook
Tallahassee native Akil Dupont will take center stage at this year’s Holiday Arts Event sponsored by The Links Incorporated, Tallahassee chapter. Two of his films will be featured at a drive-in movie venue event themed, Driving Forward, Looking Backwards, will be held at the Summit East Technology Center on Dec. 5, beginning at 6 p.m.
Dupont will open the event by giving movie-goers an overview of film making and then present his films, “Underground” and “Silhouette.” Underground, a short film that has received 21 awards, features a slave story told through song.
Tickets are $50 per car for general admission and $250 per car for VIP admissions. Tickets can be purchased from any Links chapter member or can be purchased on-line at Eventbrite: https://links-holiday-affair.eventbrite.com.
“We are so very excited to showcase these highly-acclaimed films, as well as this phenomenal local artist at this year’s event,” said Anita Favors, Links Arts Facet co-chairperson.
The proceeds for this event will support The Links Arts Academy. The Academy is guided by the National Links Signature Program, Classics Through the Ages, and provides opportunities for exposure and participation in the visual arts to economically disadvantaged minority students in grades 6 through 12.”
The participating students receive intensive instructional, mentoring, and support services from their enrollment to their completion of college or professional art school. The Academy has also partnered with the Florida State Education Foundation to provide full college scholarships to eligible Academy graduates.
“This holiday event will be the launching of the Links Arts Academy’s expansion into film making for local students and will serve to officially place the Academy into the Links National Program for Film,” Doby Flowers, Links Arts Facet co-chairperson.
The film that will be presented was featured as the closing night event at the Atlanta Black Theatre Festival in 2015 and took part in a special screening by the US Department of the Interior at President Abraham Lincoln’s Home Museum. Additionally, the short film, to be presented at the event, was also made into a feature-length musical and performed last year in Tallahassee with local talent. “Silhouette” has also won several awards and recognized at the Hollywood Black Film Festival and Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival.
Through the course of his career in theatre and film, DuPont has earned 25 awards in 36 film festivals, including two student Emmys. A Tallahassee native, Dupont holds a bachelor’s degree from FAMU and an MFA in Film Production from Florida State University. His films have played in over 60 countries.
“I am pleased to share my journey with younger film makers and applaud the Tallahassee Links in their effort to develop young artists and future film makers,” DuPont said. “Surely, the Tallahassee community has supported me and for all that has been given, this is a way to pay it forward.”
“The Links organization has, since the inception of this arts event, worked to feature local artist, while also raising needed funds for the Arts Academy,” said Alexis R. McMillan, Links Chapter President. “We are so pleased that we can showcase this great local talent, while also raising needed funds for students who have a passion for the arts.”
Established in 1951, The Links Incorporated, Tallahassee Chapter, Incorporated has the distinction of being the first chapter established in the state of Florida and has made significant contributions to the improvement of life for youth and their families in the Tallahassee and Gadsden communities through its community service and philanthropic efforts. For additional information about the annual Links Holiday Arts Event contact Flowers at doby@rose.net or call (229) 834-2135 or use the following link: https://links-holiday-affair.eventbrite.com