Let us all support police Chief Revell
Rev. Dr. R.B. Holmes
After a very thorough, forthright and transparent process, the City Manager Reese Goad named Lawrence Revell as Tallahassee’s next police chief. As stated, this process of selecting the next chief was highly professional and consistent. Antonio Gilliam, Assistant Police Chief for the St. Petersburg Police Department, was selected and would have been an awesome hire. After the gifted and extremely qualified Antonio Gilliam decided not to accept the job for various reasons, it was incumbent upon the City Manager to refocus, pray and come up with the next candidate. That candidate was Chief Revell.
We commend and applaud the thoughtful and forthright decision made by the City Manager and Deputy City Manager, the talented Cynthia Barber. They made the right choice. It is now time to embrace and encourage our new chief. It is not time to fight against the chief, but to come together and fight against the crime that is hurting our beloved city.
On December 31, 2019, at 10:30 am, at the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, we held a support press conference for Chief Revell. This conference was organized by The Reverend Greg James and Reverend Dr. Joseph Wright. Over three dozen pastors from all faith groups, ethnicities, and genders united in support of Chief Revell. These pastors and faith leaders came together to pray for our city, law enforcement and most importantly, our new Chief, Lawrence Revell. Let me say to you, the presence and power of God was in the place. We know the power of prayer and unity. Jesus said, “A house divided against itself can’t stand.” (Matthew 12:25) Friends, at that press conference, we were united in one sprit and one faith. Also, we were pleased to have the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, and our beloved City Commissioners, Curtis Richardson, Elaine Bryant and the Deputy Mayor, Dianne Williams-Cox. They all had moving and motivational words of support and a call to unity.
Most notably, our chief, in the most humble and grateful way, thanked God for the appointment and expressed his sincere appreciation to the city officials for giving him the honor of serving all of our citizens as Police Chief of Tallahassee. Chief Revell has my total support and loyalty. Likewise, hundreds of pastors, ministers and citizens are standing with him in prayer and blessings upon him and his adorable family.
Let me make it abundantly clear!! The chief can’t resolve the crime problem, nor the rise in gun violence by himself. As our extraordinarily capable Sheriff Walt McNeil says so often, “All in Leon!” We must be “All In!” We must bury egos! We must forgo petty differences and become ONE Tallahassee!
We will appoint a “Blue Ribbon Commission” headed by Pastors Joseph Wright, Judy Mandrell, and several more community leaders. The commission’s objectives will be to work to reduce gun violence, to identify and support proven successful programs working with at-risk youth and returning citizens, and to support Chief Revell’s vision and goals. Moreover, we are asking this community to support the “Annual Community Prayer Service” at 8 am, at the Leon County Civic Center, January 25, 2020. This historic event is sponsored by Pastor Greg James and Life Church International. Also, on that Sunday, January 26, 2020, at 5 p.m., there will be a “Unity Service” calling upon the community to get totally involved in reducing gun violence. This service will take place at Life Changers Church of God In Christ, 601 Miccosukee Road. Pastors Gerald and Judy Mandrell will host this community wide service. The keynote speakers for the “Unity Service” are Reverend Dr. Joseph T. Wright, Pastor of the Jerusalem Missionary Church and President of the Tallahassee Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance and Chief Revell.
I want you to understand that this newspaper, and WTAL Radio Station – Hallelujah 95.3 FM, will do our utmost best to join any group and voices who are serious about reducing gun violence in 2020. We are praying that the Lord will bless you and your family to experience an amazing and miraculous 2020.
Be encouraged!!