Ladies Art and Social Club installs new officers

New officers of the Ladies Art and Social Club, Inc. were recently installed to serve through 2025.
Photo submitted

Special to the Outlook

The 98-year-old Ladies Art and Social Club, Inc. ended its biennial recently, installing its officers who will serve through 2025.  

The new officers are Jerrlyne Jackson, president; Bettye Smith, Vice President/Treasurer; Jenny Bury, Secretary; Mae Williams, Assistant Secretary; Mary Peters, Chaplain; and Barbara Hunter, Historian. Outgoing President Pamela E. Scott installed the new officers. 

A dinner meeting held at Kezzy’s Bistro and Bar, featuring a candlelight tribute to long-time, dedicated members who transitioned during the biennial. They include Kate Condra, Clenteria Drayton, Saundra Inge, and Lenita Joe.

Although members were unable to meet in person during most of the biennial, President Scott kept the group together through zoom business and fun bi-monthly meetings. The regular outreach projects of the club continued with donations to families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The Ladies Art and Social Club was organized on Dec. 24, 1924 by Ardella Lee, wife of J. R. E. Lee, Sr., former president of FAMU.  The original membership consisted of wives of the FAMU administrators/professors and women administrators/professors and staff. The major purpose of the Club was to provide an opportunity for women to gather monthly to socialize and display their artistic items.

The meetings rotated among the members’ homes with each member hosting an elegant dinner with their best dinnerware since they were not permitted to go to the restaurants in the city. The Ladies of the Club served as official hostesses for events at FAMU.   Over the years, the role and membership of the club changed to align with current times.

When the Club resumes its meetings in the fall, its major project will be preparing for its centennial celebration in December 2024.