Kitt – Or – Treat
By Sherrell Wilkerson
Outlook Writer
“Mommy lets’ get the kitty. I want that kitty. Ohhhh Mommy, lets get the kitty. Lets … get … that … kitty,” yelled a little boy to his mother.
The rooms, halls and outside grounds were filled with families the evening of Oct. 29 at the Leon County Humane Society (LCHS) for their 1st annual Hallowkitty: Trick or Treat event.
Families were encouraged to come dressed in their best Halloween costumes as staff and volunteers engaged them in different spooky activities that allowed families to interact with cats and kittens that were up for adoption.
Greeted by witches, cartoon characters and little furry pumpkins, children were taken around the building while given bags of candy as they got to meet all of the different pets.
Disguised in her best zombie apparel, Interim Executive Director of the LCHS, Lisa Glunt expressed that the main goal of the event was to find these cats a new place to call home and a new family to love.
“We complete about 300 cat adoptions a year and have 25 of our featured cats out tonight for the families to interact with,” said Glunt.
“What’s great about tonight is that we can promote adopting these animals and our Positive Readers Program, which allows for children to come and read to cats. It creates an environment for cats to become comfortable with human interaction and children to read in front of a non-judgmental audience.”
According to Glunt, with over 40 families showing up within the first hour, this is something that the LCHS will definitely plan to do again next year.
Aside from animal interaction, families were persuaded into the Halloween spirit by participating in the Zombie Walk behind the building, where children went on a maze and dodged the zombies that were trying to hold them as hostage.
“The cats, candy and the fun of dressing in costumes is what brought my family out. I picked them up from school and brought them straight here,” said Elizabeth McKenna, wife and mother of five.
“My husband and I have already decided to adopt a kitten for the family, but lets keep that on a hush from the kids.”
The LCHS was more than happy with the out come of their event and encourages more families to get involved with adopting animals such as the cats and kittens from that night.
To gain more information about pet adoption, please feel free to contact the Leon County Humane Society at (850) 224 – 9193 or visit them at 413 Timberlane Rd Tallahassee, Fla. 32312.