It’s all in the family for the Nelsons

Grace Nelson takes questions and hears concerns of women leaders in Florida’s capital city.
Special to the Outlook

Grace Nelson was greeted by old and new friends at the University Center Club in Tallahassee. L-R Auriela Alexander, Tammy Hamlet, Lucille Alexander, Grace Nelson and Andrea Frial, MD.
Photos special to the Outlook
It was a reunion Grace Nelson looked forward to. The brunch with old friends in Tallahassee was a welcomed stop through the panhandle in July. The wife of US Senator Bill Nelson has quite a following throughout the state brought about by her curiosity, quick wit and honesty. But this visit to Tallahassee brought together old and new friends who wanted to share their concerns about a nation divided by hate and fear.
Nelson spoke from experience in addressing these concerns like those of Rachael Pratt who said, “I have a young son, and I’m concerned about his future and the future of this nation.”
When she told the story about her trip to Rwanda, it was a chilling tale. She arrived after the genocidal assault by the Hutus against the Tutsi in the 90’s. The devastating bloodshed seemed irreversible she said. After talking to government leaders, Nelson turned her attention to the women of the tribe who had a big hand in bringing an end to the violence and hatred. She learned about their solution.
It was a message to women about women who resolve issues every day on every level. Nelson said the women brought the warring factions together with the wronged families. They forgave and are still forgiving today.

Rachael Pratt looks for assurances about the future.
Grace Nelson travels the state campaigning the old-fashioned way by actually talking to people. The conversation is about problem-solving and the guiding principles that have helped Senator Nelson and Grace serve the people of Florida.
“Bill has always believed that a public office is a public trust and it’s his honor and privilege to serve the people of Florida and I am proud of the work he’s done for our great state,” Grace Nelson said. “It’s about waking up every single day, willing to put Florida first – that’s what Bill has done and I will continue to do.”