Have healthier you for the Holidays
By Mahoganie Reckley
Outlook Writer
This holiday season a healthy you is a present that doesn’t need wrapping paper or a Christmas tree but it does need a commitment and hard work from you. On Oct. 15 at 6:00 p.m certified wellness coach Heather Fuselier of Wellness without Pity introduce the residents of Tallahassee to a seminar to accomplish just that.
Heather’s Healthier habits in four weeks is a step-by-step guide to creating and sustaining healthy living habits. Fuselier was inspired to create this program to help people reach their health goals.
“As a wellness coach, I work one on one with individuals to help them reach their health goals. Over time, I have noticed that those who achieve their goals and have success have a skill set that those who do not reach their goals do not have. They use what I call the Four Champions of Change. When these four elements are present, the likelihood of success goes up. In this course, we learn about those elements of change and how to craft goals that are sabotage-proof. I was inspired to start the program because I want as many people as possible to learn how to set goals that will change their life” said Fuselier.
This seminar will held over the next three weeks on every Thursday evening at Capital Regional Medical Center’s conference center. In this four-week course students will learn how important to use the Four Champions of Change to create and sustain permanent change in their lives.
Students are asked to create goals that inspire and motivate because they are connected to their values. They also get a chance to learn what they need to pay attention to, and what they don’t. They are focusing on how to re-wire their brains for more positive outcomes and connecting with the support team you need for optimal success. Fuselier is hoping every student gets all they can get out this program.
“Everyone is looking for a little something different. But, the common thread among everyone is that they are ready to take things to the next level. For some, that level is what others would consider the starting point. That’s the beauty of this class. We all start exactly where we are. It is my goal that everyone leaves the program with a firm grasp of what they need to do to achieve any goal they set” said Fuselier.
Throughout all goalsetting and planning Fuselier believes the best part of the program is when her students have that “aha” moment.
“By far, my favorite part is seeing the light bulb go off over the heads of my students as they “get it.” When something clicks and they start smiling and scribbling on their note pad, I just can’t wipe the grin off my face because in that moment, we strike gold. Life is short, and this class is about sucking the most out of it that we can. My favorite part is hearing about what moves people, and seeing them achieve it” said Fuselier.
For information about this program and others that Heather is hosting, you can check her out at http://www.WellnessWithoutPity.com