God Can Use Anybody
By Rev. Al Williams, II
Bethel MissionaryBaptist Church
One of the most amazing realities is that God can use anybody. One of the most alarming realities is that He will use anybody. We are amazed at God’s power to use anybody but become alarmed when we find out that He will use persons who do not appear to match up with our assumptions or preferences for who He should use.
An honest and transparent self-reflection should bring a sense of humility to everyone who understands God is both able and willing to use us despite our flaws, our frailties and our shortcomings. This reality should keep everyone from spending time focusing on the failures of others and channel energies toward focusing on how to become a better instrument in the hands of God.
It is what the church at Corinth read when they received the apostolic message “we have this treasure in earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7).” God in His sovereignty has placed precious contents within containers that are vulnerable to cracks and subject to blemishes and even breakage.
Yet, God decides to place within those who surrender to Him the light of the glorious gospel of His Son Jesus Christ. The brightness and brilliance of this light shines as long as the believer puts faith into action on behalf of God. So knowing that God would entrust the precious contents of His glorious gospel within the flawed container of human flesh is humbling.
God can and will do strange but supernatural things and on top of this select the most unlikely people to carry out His plans and implement His purposes! A man named Saul of Tarsus was initially introduced in Scripture as an enemy of the church and one who stood in opposition to the kingdom of God.
However, Saul had a personal and pivotal encounter with Jesus Christ which redirected his life from that day forward! He went on to become a global missionary proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ with brilliance and boldness. Paul would expand the church into new territory and spread the message beyond the previously established limits so that everyone would be aware of the salvation which is available through faith in Jesus Christ!
The message of salvation and deliverance came from one who had previously silenced those who dared to profess faith in Jesus. The message of hope and restoration came from one who struck fear and terror in the hearts of those living for Jesus. The message of righteousness came from one who stood as an opponent of the kingdom of God.
The message of power came from one who eventually realized his limited authority as a detractor of the church would never rival the influence he would have as an advocate of the church. The message of transformation came from one who had been changed from the inside out and convicted in his conscience about becoming a servant of God in every aspect of living. This message came from one who learned that God can use anybody!