(R-L)Brothers: Christopher Knight, President; Keith Miles, Vice President; Dr. David Jackson, Recording Secretary; Jovon Merritt, Treasurer; Adner Marcelin, Financial Secretary and Bob Drayton, Chaplain.
Special to the Outlook
The Gamma Mu Lambda Chapter (Tallahassee, FL) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. installed new officers at its June meeting recently.
Former Chapter President, Dr. William Hudson, passed the gavel to incoming President Christopher Knight, a Theta Sigma Chapter initiate at the University of Florida. Brother Dr. Hudson is credited with elevating the profile of the chapter, hosting a welcome reception for General President Brother Dr. Everett Ward, and highlighting the accomplishments of area Brothers in their respective fields and in carrying out the mission of the fraternity, “manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind.” Under Brother Dr. Hudson’s leadership GML grew to the third largest Alpha graduate chapter in the state of Florida.
Brother President Knight said, “GML owes a great debt of gratitude to Brother Dr. Hudson for his leadership in moving our chapter to the forefront. The job of our administration is to continue the momentum and build on making GML the best chapter that it can be.”
The new GML officers are: Christopher Knight, President ; Keith Miles, Vice-President; Jovon Merritt, Treasurer; Dr. David Jackson, Recording Secretary; Dr. Reginald Ellis, Corresponding Secretary; Adner Marcelin, Financial Secretary; Bob Drayton, Chaplain; Dr. Darius Young, Historian; Kenneth Pratt, Dean of Membership Development; Alvin Davis, Associate Editor to the Sphinx; Tyneal Haywood, Director of Education; Alex Jordan, Sergeant-At-Arms; Dr. Nicholas Thomas, Parliamentarian; and Dr. Desmond Stephens, Executive Member-at-Large.