FSU Welcomes Students Back on Campus
By Andrew J. Mitchell, Jr.
Outlook Writer
Seminole Sensation Week has begun in the capital city and that means Florida State University is celebrating its students coming back in town for the new school year.
On Aug. 19, FSU’s students from around the country moved into their dorms. Parents and students could be seen with vehicles packed with luggage. Cars and trucks bombarded sidewalks. The sun was not shy, as it spared no one who was not in the shade.
Mike Amato was one of the parents that could be found early in the morning camped out under the shade patiently waiting while his son came back for his stuff. He and his son, Hunter Amato, are from St. Cloud, Fla. Mike remembers what it was like to move his son in last year and happy this year’s move-in went better than last year.
“The move actually hasn’t been as crazy as expected,” Mike said. “Last year was a mad house.”
Mike’s son is a sophomore pre-law student with a 3.8 Grade Point Average and is a part of a band that plays “whatever they feel.” He is moving into Ragans Hall but has concerns about managing his gear.
“I think I brought a lot more stuff this year because my room is basically overflowing and none of my roommates have even arrived yet,” Hunter said. “So I’m not looking forward to that.”
Like Hunter, students covered the width of sidewalks when they unloaded their belongings. Volunteers and resident assistants were around to help many of the students moving in residential rooms. Hunter moved into one of the newer dorms at the university that students seem to enjoy.
Shannon Staten is the executive housing director for FSU. She previously served as University of Louisville’s Housing Director. Staten believes its been a recent trend for universities to improve campus living.
“There have been many changes over the years, most recently has been the effort to replace the older residence halls that are no longer able to be maintained,” Staten said. “Parents and students are expecting more privacy, more amenities and a higher quality of residence hall living than ever before, so we are challenged to provide that for them.”
The university is ushering in two new dorms to improve life on campus. Dorman and Deviney opened last week for students. Staten said two other dorms will be constructed after two older facilities are demolished.
Seminole Sensation Week will end on August 29 and will be focused on encouraging student engagement at the university.