Florida A&M celebrates fall commencement
By Diamond Hunt-Coleman
Senior Outlook Writer
On Friday night friends and families from across the nation gathered in Florida A&M University`s Al Lawson Multipurpose Center to celebrate a common milestone… graduation.
As graduates processed into Al Lawson, families began to shout the names of their loved ones and cheer with excitement as one chapter came to an end and another began.
For graduates, such as Surena Robbins, the journey to graduation has not been an easy one but the journey means much more now that it is complete.
“I am the mother of two beautiful little girls,” said Robbins. “Of course the road to this day wasn’t easy but it was well worth it. How can I preach to my daughters the importance of a higher education if I didn’t do it myself? They were my driving force through it all and I`m glad I completed this journey.”
The commencement speaker for this year was Commissioner Mignon Clyburn of the Florida Communications Commission (FCC). Clyburn, who is currently serving her second term as a Democrat on the FCC, is an advocate for enhanced accessibility in communications for disabled citizens and works closely with representative groups of the hearing impaired.
In her speech, Commencement Speaker Clyburn, stressed the importance of keeping hope alive as the new graduating class prepares to embark upon their new journey as Alumni.
“Change is not easy, being on the right side is often lonely and justice is very rarely swift,” said Clyburn. “Just because it isn’t easy doesn’t mean it isn’t rightly worth it. And just because it has yet to come for many does not mean it will never come at all.”
For other graduates such as Autumn Solomon, graduation was a blessing that she didn’t think she would receive. Although Solomon is one of the six recipients of the Strong Finish Award, she knows she has much more to be thankful for.
“There were many days that I couldn’t attend class due to my health,” said Solomon. “The only choice I had was to work my butt off when I could be there and not let my health get in the way of me achieving this milestone in my life.”
In a time where it seems like every time you turn on the television there`s been another senseless murder or another young life taken away, it is beautiful to see a facility filled past its capacity to celebrate an achievement as grand as Fall Commencement.