FAMU Students Rally For Mangum
By Diamond Hunt-Coleman
Senior Outlook Writer
After two failed attempts by Florida A&M University`s Board of Trustees to terminate the employment of President Elmira Mangum’s during a three hour emergency meeting on Thursday, October, 22, student leaders took to social media to organize a rally in Mangum`s favor. Around 12:30 p.m. FAMU students gathered in front of Lee Hall to rally and voice their opinions on the matter at hand.
“The situation with Dr. Mangum is honestly wrong. The fact that they tried to fire her while she wasn’t at the university to defend herself just speaks to the character of the board,” said Arie Christon, a second year psychology student. “They seem to be afraid of all the positive changes she is making around the university. Look at the things she`s accomplished since she`s been here.”
In a statement released by Mangum she stated, “my commitment to the university is stronger than ever. I am committed to working with all our stakeholders to enhance the educational experience of our students, and ensure that the university operates at the most effective and efficient level possible.”
While some students participated in the rally to advocate for their president, others came out because they were in search of answers.
“Students really don’t understand what is going on and they just want answers at this moment. I feel like they don’t really know what they`re rallying about,” said Allen Johnson, a fourth year health fitness and leisure student. “The important thing is that they are looking to be educated.”
After the rally, students marched to Governor Rick Scott`s offices in search of more answers. They hope to meet the Board of Trustees to voice their concerns and expectations.