FAMU Day of Giving 1887 Strikes surpasses $450,000 in donations

Photo by Vaughn Wilson
Andrew Skerritt
FAMU office of Communications
FAMU’s second annual Day of Giving, “1887Strikes,” recently raised $459,549.19 in gifts from 2,800 donors. The gifts represent a 215 percent increase over the 2020 campaign.
President Larry Robinson was impressed by the generosity and sacrifice of donors.
“We asked the FAMU community, friends and supporters to stand with our students during these extraordinary times. And they did just that,” Robinson said. “I can’t thank them enough. Their generosity will help bring new meaning to the words in our alma mater, ‘College of Love and Charity’.”
Money donated during the 1887-minute campaign supports a broad range of academic, athletic and other initiatives that benefit students.
During the 2020 “1887 Strikes” inaugural Day of Giving campaign, the FAMU University Advancement team raised $213,256.72 from 1,415 donors. This year’s goal was to receive gifts from at least 1,500 donors, which was surpassed by 187 percent.
Shawnta Friday-Stroud, vice president for Advancement and executive director of the FAMU Foundation, said this unprecedented level of giving illustrates how much people care.
“I’m grateful that alumni, staff, faculty, students and friends stepped up in such a generous way,” said Friday-Stroud. “This level of giving demonstrates unwavering commitment in very tough times.”