Don’t vote, get Trumped!
By Rev. R.B. Holmes Jr.
President & Publisher
As we approach this most serious and sacred election season, we must all vote our conscience and conviction. All elections matter! However, in this city and county, this upcoming election is perhaps, in my 30 years as pastor here, one of the most critical elections. Why? For the first time in many decades, some of the key elections are on the ballot: such as the state attorney, sheriff, property appraiser, clerk of court, superintendent of schools, supervisor of elections, a new congressional seat, key city and county commission races, and U.S. Senate and House races. Yes and many more. We can’t sit this election out.
Early voting starts this week. We must study these candidates’ records, experiences, community involvement, and their supporters. Most importantly, you should attend a forum, interview these candidates yourself, or ask the opinion of someone you “trust” about the character, compassion and competence of these candidates. Jesus said “Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). These are serious times for people of color; don’t be fooled by the hype and hotly charged rhetoric.
The Capital Outlook will not be endorsing candidates this season. However, we have done profiles on various candidates in some of the critical races. Moreover, our next edition will include a special political section. Next week’s paper will be devoted entirely to the primary on Aug. 30. On the fourth Sunday of this month, Aug. 28, at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church’s early morning (7:30 a.m.) service, we have invited all candidates to join us in worship and prayer for this “Good Government Sunday.” The public is invited to attend and personally meet the candidates.
Listen, these candidates should advertise in the Black press. This includes people who are running for national, state and local elections. Let me be perfectly clear: There are less than 100 Black newspapers in this country; we own less than one percent of the radio and television stations in America. Therefore, Black, brown and White politicians should support the Black Press.” Let me say it: If candidates don’t see the value of advertising with the Black press, they don’t deserve our votes. Please do my friends in the Black press a favor. Ask these candidates this question: Are you advertising with Black media?
Friends, we must vote in this election; we must support people who support us; and we must vote for economic equity, neighborhoods, jobs, better housing, real change in the criminal justice system, better police and community relations, improved schools, access to money, our fair share of contracts and grants, programs that support ex-felons, lower taxes and economic opportunities for neglected Black neighborhoods. These are the issues that are before us during this election season.
Yes, in my adult life time, this is one of the most significant elections “ever.” President Obama is prophetically correct: “We must learn to vote at the local level for judges, commissioners, sheriffs, state attorneys, school board members, and tax collectors.” As Marvin Gaye says, “Let’s get it on!”
Get your soul to the polls. Voting matters!
Be encouraged!