Dianne Williams Cox: A real community servant
By Dorothy Inman-Johnson
Special to the Outlook
If you only know Dianne Williams Cox as a political candidate, you don’t really know Dianne. When meeting her, you first notice her bright smile, then her warm greeting, and likely a welcoming hug. She is a people person and a very hard worker on issues and projects that touch her heart. As a resident of Southside Tallahassee, she is a vocal advocate for improvements to Tallahassee’s Southside; while working enthusiastically to maintain a high quality of life throughout Leon County.
Dianne is a native of Quincy Florida where she and Thomas Cox met as high school students, and have been married for 31 years. They are the proud parents of three adult sons and enjoy their role as grandparents to five grandchildren. Some local residents met her for the first time when she ran twice unsuccessfully for the District 8 seat in the Florida Legislature that includes Gadsden County and a portion of Leon County. She ran a good, smart, energetic campaign that won her many new fans. But the Dianne fewer Tallahassee residents know is the dedicated community servant who throughout her life donated countless hours working in her church, her children’s schools, and in her community. She has a special passion for helping young girls discover their full potential, and founded Girls Rule, Inc._ a local non-profit focused on leadership skills for girls.
Her commitment to youth services has been proven through her work as chair of the Leon County School Advisory Council, as an active member and volunteer with the parent/ teacher organizations and booster clubs at her children’s schools, and her work with youth ministries at her church. Dianne has, also, been President of the City of Tallahassee Capital Park Baseball Program for ten (10) years.
She has been a member of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church for 28 years, where she is a Sunday school teacher, choir member, and Media Ministry member. Additionally, she is a member of the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission that reviews development plans and policies for adherence to adopted growth management laws; a passionate advocate for a living wage for all workers, and the preservation of Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) for all Americans. Dianne is now actively involved working with the newly formed Southside United Citizens Action Alliance to ensure fair and equal attention is given to the needs of Southside communities by local government, while residents ban together for community improvement projects.
She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Florida A and M University, a Public Management Certification from Florida State University, and a Master’s Degree from Nova Southeastern University. After a long career in Information Technology and project management as a state employee, she is now owner of DWC Management Consulting Services, Inc. She is a member and former President of the local chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
And it has been a pleasure to reintroduce you to Dianne Williams Cox, a true community servant.
Please send recommendations for Person of the Week to dotinman-johnson@hotmail.com.