Deltas host prayer breakfast
By Soror Huette Higgs
Special to the Outlook
On Saturday, March 25, the Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., hosted its 6th Biennial Community Prayer Breakfast at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. The event, chaired by Soror Felecia Battle- Jones, started at 9 a.m. and was commemorated with women adorned in “Big Hats” and the men in “Bowties.” This year’s theme of 70 Years of Service – 70 Years of Prayer, ” reflected the Chapter’s outstanding legacy of service to Tallahassee and the surrounding communities led by current President, Soror Marilyn Henderson. Since the sorority’s inception in 1913, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has distinguished itself as an organization that exemplifies leadership and public service. As an organization of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service that boldly confronts the challenges within society, its mission addresses the needs primarily of the African American community through programs and projects driven by education, health and economics. Founded on Christian principles, Deltas participate in advocacy and activism within local communities, statewide and nationally, to ensure that all of God’s people share in the American dream. This work has only been possible because the 22 Founders, local and national leaders, members and community partners have prayed fervently. To that end, it is most befitting that the Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter (TAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. mobilize our community through prayer.
The keynote speaker for this auspicious occasion was the dynamic Rev. R. Janae Pitts-Murdock, Immediate Past Southern Regional Chaplain of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Rev. R. Janae Pitts-Murdock, a native of Detroit, Michigan, and ordained into the gospel ministry at New Bethel Baptist Church under Rev. Robert Smith, Jr., is a lover of God and God’s people. She travels the nation inspiring people to live their best lives. Rev. Janae is a lifelong learner who believes that excellence honors God, and for her, anything less is unacceptable. The Prayer Breakfast was blessed to have community prayer partners to render corporate prayers for the Local Government and Community Leaders, Dr. Elijah Cole of Paul Russell Road Church of Christ; Tallahassee; State Government and Government Employees, Pastor Judy Mandrell of Life Changers Church of God in Christ ; and President and Nation, Rev.Dr. Frank McDonald of Mt. Pleasant M. B. Church in Crawfordville. Also, Dr. Sylvester Robinson, pastor of Greater Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, rendered the Call to Discipleship. Star Swain was the featured entertainment for the event.
The purpose of this celebratory event was to connect communities through corporate prayer while challenging communities to rise to the occasion of leadership, empowerment, and justice for all. All proceeds generated from the Community Prayer Breakfast are earmarked to support national youth initiatives and provide academic scholarships to graduating seniors from the surrounding areas. The Deltas currently serve more than 50 young people locally through The Dr. Jeanne Noble Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully (G.E.M.S.) program, which is designed to help girls 14-18 succeed academically while learning to be public servants and community leaders.