Carina Richardson gets MLK Award

(From left to right), MLK Foundation President Steve Beasley, Commissioner Curtis Richardson, Judge Nina Ashenafi Richardson, Award Recipient Carina Richardson, MLK Foundation Chair David Frank, MLK Foundation Board Member Joy Bowen, MLK Foundation Board Member Bill Tucker and Leon County Schools Superintendent Rocky Hanna. Photo Special to the Outlook
Special to the Outlook
Carina Richardson, daughter of City Commissioner Curtis Richardson and Judge Nina Ashenafi Richardson, was awarded the MLK Foundation’s Student Humanitarian Award at the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Commemorative Breakfast.
Currently, Carina is a senior at James S. Rickards High School, where she is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Program and serves as the class president. She is also involved in the Student Government, Spanish Club, Model UN, serves as secretary of the National Honor Society, and is a member of the varsity track, cross country, and soccer teams. In recognition of her many achievements, Carina was selected to serve as the Leon County School Board’s student representative for the 2017-18 school year.
Outside of school, Carina is a member of the National Achievers Society and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and volunteers with a variety of community organizations. She has attended the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership camp, the U.S. Naval Academy Summer STEM camp, Ladies Learning to Lead, the National Congress of Future Scientists and Technologists, and the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. Upon graduation, Carina plans to pursue higher education at a major college or university.
Carina is living her life by pursuing the ideals of Rev. King and the Foundation was delighted to present her the award.