Bethel Christian Academy Middle School Graduation
By Min. Justin Dillard
Special to the Outlook
On Thursday evening, May 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., eight young men concluded their studies as middle school students and were recognized as graduates and award recipients of the first Bethel Christian Academy 8th grade class. While family and friends sat proudly at reserved family tables, seven of eight students marched in to the processional, “Pomp and Circumstance”, followed by scripture and prayer by Londauris Pete and Chockere Hairston.
Justin Miller, Salutatorian, gave the Occasion followed by Jordan Wiggins, Valedictorian, with “Reflections from the Class of 2015”. Kyle Jackson, Londauris Pete, Jesito Vega and Jaccari Conyers alternated on the delivery of lines from a meaningful poem entitled, “Be that Person, that Man” by Rufaro.
Headmaster, George James played, as a tribute to the graduates, “I Found the Answer” by Tremaine Hawkins to summarize the journey for the school year at Bethel Christian Academy, as well as, to instill wisdom in the 2015 Bethel Christian Academy graduates. Meaningful lyrics from “I Found the Answer” instructed graduates to “Keep your Bible with you.” “You ought to read it every day.” “Always count your blessings, and always love to pray.” Having these principles of praying to God for faith will guide one through life’s low valleys and mountain tops.
There were several students that achieved high honors and were recognized for their accomplishments. Jordan Wiggins collected five awards including class Valedictorian, outstanding Math and Language Arts student, and Honor Roll four consecutive quarters. Justin Miller accepted the honor recognition of Salutatorian and Honor Roll for four quarters. Chokere Hairston earned Outstanding Science Student and the Most Athletic. Londauris Pete acquired the Outstanding Theatre Arts Student and the Most Helpful (superlative). Jesse Vega accomplished the Adams/Clack Citizen Award and Mr. Entrepreneur (superlative). Jaccarii Conyers received, Opposite of Perfect Attendance Award (superlative) and Tagi Williams was given, Most Non-verbal Responses Award (superlative).
Dr. Keith Parker, Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University challenged the Bethel Christian Academy Middle School graduates to become brighter lights at each level and platform they reach. He told them, “Become all you can be by achieving and setting your bar high, and in pursuing excellence, drawn from the inspiration of parents, guardians, teachers and loved ones, as you strive to help others. You must start from somewhere, and do not forget those who have helped you achieve your current status. Become an advocate and steward to make the world a better place. Be responsible and enjoy the journey more than focusing on the destination.”
Each student received from Dr. Parker, a copy of the book, “Pieces from the Pass” by Joan H. Sadoff and was encouraged to read the book to gain further insight and motivation to endure and surpass challenging circumstances that each one may face.
Reverends Holmes gave closing remarks. He congratulated the graduates and thanked Dr. Parker for his dynamic challenge to the students, as well as others to include, parents, grandparents, guardians, aunts and uncles, in addition to those that coordinated the 2015 graduation program. Additional recognitions went out to Headmaster George James, Dr. Linda Fortenberry, Educational Consultant, teachers and staff that collectively contributed to make this graduation a memorable event.