Bethel Baptist Hosts Minority Business Emphasis Weekend

Photo special to the Outlook
Minority Business Symposium Presenters: Left to right: Rev. R. B. Holmes, Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Rev. Don Tolliver, Jennifer Collins, City Commissioner Curtis Richardson, Attorney Carolyn Cummings, County Commissioner Nick Maddox, Wanda Whitehead, Keith Bowers, Attorney Harold Knowles and Reggie Smith.

Front Row: Rev. R.B. Holmes, Jr.-Pastor of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Jarah Murraine, owner, HBJ Glam Studio; Dr. Temple Robinson, CEO Bond Community Health Center; Dr. Acquiononette Bryant, owner Jasmine Women’s Clinic; Barbara E. Wright, independent contractor with Blue Bird Homes and Land; Ann Hinson:, Hinson Properties; Ann Walker, owner of Legacy Real Estate Company, Inc.
Back Row: Ricardo Robinson, operator Ultimate Cuts; Former Sen. Al Lawson, publisher for 25 years of the Black Yellow Pages; Prince Hinson, owner of Hinson Properties; Cecil Higgs, Realtor with Keller Williams; Eddie Blount, Magnolia Auto Service Center; Pamela Jones Smith Realtor with Keller Williams; George Clark, owner of Temple Fitness; Taralisha Sanders, manager of Live Communications (The Capital Outlook & WTAL 1450 AM).
By Linda T. Fortenberry, Ph.D.
Special to the Outlook
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. R.B. Holmes, pastor, hosted a Minority Business Symposium and Worship Service March 14-15, at the church in downtown Tallahassee. The theme for the weekend event was “A Call and Commitment for Community and Church Economic Development: If Not Now, Then When?” scripturally embedded in Deuteronomy 28:12-14.
Rev. Holmes presided over the Saturday Minority Business symposium. “There is a critical need for our minority businesses to have information and access to the significant economic incentives that are available in the larger community,” said Rev. Holmes in his opening remarks.
Nearly 75 business owners and potential business owners received updated information from three distinguished panels of presenters:
The Theological Mandate for Community and Church Economic Development: From Civil Rights to Silver Rights
Jennifer Collins
Associate Professor of Management
FAMU School of Business and Industry
Carolyn Cummings, Esq.
Cummings Law Firm, P.A.
Strategies for the Economic Transition of the “Cold Night” Shelter
Harold Knowles, Esq.
Managing Shareholder
Knowles & Randolph Attorneys at Law
Keith Bowers
Regional Director
Florida Small Business Development Center
How Can Business Benefit from Blueprint 20/20 & CRA?
Leon County Commissioner Nick Maddox
City of Tallahassee Commissioner Curtis Richardson
Wanda Whitehead, MPA,CPM
Assistant Director, Economic & Community Development, City of Tallahassee
Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Dean of School of Business and Industry at Florida A&M University, provided special remarks pledging her support in assisting businesses with information for organization and development.
“Our church has identified nearly 100 business owners. We are excited to have the opportunity to personally meet and hear first hand about the specifics of Blueprint 20/20 and other economic development initiatives” said Rev. Don Tolliver, a business owner and co-chair of the symposium.
The weekend concluded with a special worship service at 7:30 a.m. on March 15 at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. Several business owners from the church and community were recognized.
-Ray Moore* – CEO of Piggly Wiggly, Quincy
-Kenneth Taite, owner of Haggai Construction
Home & Business Improvement
-Ray Matthews: 7 Hills Painters
-John Evans*: Landscaping
Automobile Services
-Eddie Blount, Owner of Magnolia Auto Services, Inc.
Beauty and Barbers
-Zachary Clemons, owner of In and Out Barber Shop
-Ricardo Robinson, operator of Ultimate Cuts
-Trenice Seniors, owner, Celebrities Hair Design
-Brenda Swain: owner, Important Place Hair Salon
-Jarah Murraine: owner, HBJ Glam Studio
Health Care & Fitness
-Dr. Acquiononette Bryant, owner of Jasmine Women’s Clinic
-Dr. Temple Robinson, Interim CEO Bond Community Health Center
-Oretha Jones, CEO, Neighborhood Medical Center
-Dr. Alexis McMillan, pharmacist and family is owner of the iconic Economy Drugstore in Frenchtown
-George and Iris Clark, owners of Temple Fitness
Community Engagement & Economic Development
– Former Sen. Al Lawson, publisher for 25 years of the Black Yellow Pages. This is the 25th Anniversary of the Black pages directory.
– Attorney Sean Pittman: Founder & Chair of Big Bend Minority Chamber and The Pittman Law Group
– Terrence Hinson, chair of Capital City Chamber of Commerce and Owner of Hinson Realty
– Wendell Paige, president and CEO, WP Associates , Inc.
Real Estate
– Barbara E. Wright, independent contractor with Blue Bird Homes and Land
-Ann Walker, owner of Legacy Real Estate Company, Inc.
-Jackie Bennett, Realtor with Keller Williams
-Cecil Higgs, realtor with Keller Williams
-Pamela Jones Smith, Realtor with Keller Williams
-Ann and Prince Hinson, owners of Hinson Properties
Higher Education/Business Partnerships
– Sybil Collins Mobley- Founding Dean of FAMU School of Business and Industry
-Shawnta Friday-Shroud, Dean, FAMU School of Business and Industry
Spencer Ingram: Ingram Accounting
-Angeline Taylor, Executive Editor
Capital Outlook
-Taralisha Sander
Office Manager
Live Communications, Inc. (Capital Outlook & WTAL Radio)