Ask Judge Smith
As presidents go, I’m just wild about Harry

Q. Judge Smith, it seems no one can talk anymore without resorting to cursing words. Does this happen in court too? A retired English teacher.
A. My late father used to say that a person who resorts to cursing suffers from a poor vocabulary. He was right. In modern times, curse words have become so commonplace that they’ve lost their shock value, and we’ve become desensitized. On occasion, people cuss in court. When it happens, I remind them where they are, and that usually takes care of the problem.
Most people who cuss are just being lazy. The dictionary is full of more appropriate and better descriptive words.
Can you imagine a situation where it would be appropriate to cuss in front of a prospective employer or a judge? I can’t either. Why? Because in an age of chronically short attention spans, first impressions matter more than ever.
Q. Judge Smith, which 20th-century president hasn’t gotten proper recognition? Celeste.
A. My answer is Harry Truman. President Truman was an accidental president who took office after Franklin Roosevelt died. During his administration, he oversaw our use of the atomic bomb in Japan, the end of World War II, the feeding and rebuilding of Western Europe, the Korean Conflict, and the cold-war.
When General Douglas MacArthur got too big for his britches and forgot the chain of command, Truman cut him down to size.
President Truman ended racial segregation in our nation’s armed forces by executive order because it was the right thing to do. He dealt with labor strikes and oversaw the post-WWII and Korean Conflict economies.
Underestimated during his presidency and underappreciated ever since, Harry Truman was plain-spoken, decent, and honorable. He followed his conscience and consistently made the right decisions. Known for his integrity, Harry Truman was one of our better presidents.
Q. Judge Smith, what is your assignment? Carter.
A. When I fielded this question, I was assigned to Leon County as its juvenile judge. At the time, I also handled 15 percent of its family law docket. In addition to hearing cases, I researched the law, wrote orders, and managed my dockets. Last January, I changed assignments and now handle circuit civil cases. More about that in my next column.
Q. Judge Smith, how do you spend time away from work? Bella.
A. I am an avid reader. I read the newspaper and books on history, science, business, and religion. More
The Honorable J. Layne Smith is a Circuit Judge and author of “Civics, Law, and Justice—How We Became U.S.” Send your questions to askjudgesmith@gmail.com.