An open letter to millennials, African Americans, women, minorities, evangelicals and pastors
By Rev. RB Holmes
Publisher and President
After listening attentively, prayerfully and objectively to the presidential debate on last Wednesday evening, it is crystal clear to me that Secretary Hillary Clinton is the most qualified to be the 45th President of these United States of America. She really has a comprehensive vision and plan to make this country stronger militarily, economically, educationally, racially and globally. She is prepared; she is competent; she is thoughtful; and she has the temperament and judgment to be our next president.
Donald Trump’s comments, values, and negative campaigning over the last several months, especially in the Republican Primary, have proven to many that he is not ready to be president of the most powerful country in this world. We will do our children and grandchildren great harm if we elect this man as president. I don’t need to articulate the vile, atrocious, bigoted, sexist, ugly and racist things he has consistently said about women, Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, gays, and his opponents in the Republican Primary; and most disrespectfully, about President Obama.
Listen – as a Black man, a Black pastor, a Black father, Black grandfather, Black brother, Black uncle and a Black husband – Donald Trump’s efforts for over five years to delegitimize the first Black president – is blasphemous. Yes, he is the founder of the “birther” movement. He led this racist movement where millions of his supporters questioned and believed that President Obama was not a citizen of this country. He knew what he was doing. He appealed to the darkest and most prejudicial side of his supporters. He used the color of the president‘s skin and this “birther” issue to become who he is now – the Republican nominee for the president. As for me and my household, this is one of the primary reasons that I cannot support Donald Trump. The man is not right; and has hurt too many people. This man is not fit to be our Commander-in-Chief – period!
This country is in a bad place right now. We need a leader who can bring us together; not divide us. We have growing racial tension and unrest. We need a president who has experience working with diverse communities. Mrs. Clinton has always been an advocate for social justice. We are far too often under terror attacks in this country and abroad. Secretary Clinton will be a strong and steady hand in fighting Isis and keeping this country safe. Mr. Trump can very easily, with his instability and temperament, lead us into World War III. The stakes are too high to sit this election out or to support someone who truly does not have the expertise, experience, and moral excellence to succeed President Obama as the next president.
Therefore, I have prophetically and prayerfully come up with 15 reasons why millennials, blacks, minorities, women and others ought to consider voting for Secretary Hillary Clinton. Let us count the reasons:
1. Secretary Clinton is, in the words of President Obama, “the most qualified person to have ever run for the presidency; she is highly qualified and prepared to be the 45th President of the United States.”
2. Secretary Clinton was a strong and relentless advocate for the candidacy and presidency of this country’s first African American president. She was a vocal critic of the backwards “Birther Movement.”
3. Secretary Clinton has been in public service for 30 years. She has an impressive record of standing up for children, the elderly, and poor and distressed communities. After graduating from the prestigious Yale Law School, she chose to devote her talents to defend and improve the plight of poor children as a staff member of the Children’s Defense Fund.
4. Secretary Clinton has a rich history of supporting the right of all citizens to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. She will continue to work hard to attack legislation designed to cause significant burdens for eligible voters or deny them their constitutional right to vote.
5. Secretary Clinton will be a fearless leader for strengthening, saving and sustaining our Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
6. Secretary Clinton will lead the way for the advancement of Obamacare and the expansion of Medicaid.
7. Secretary Clinton will sponsor legislation for criminal justice reform; and support programs to help ex-offenders find jobs, housing, mental health care and hope.
8. Secretary Clinton will not build walls. She will build bridges for all people of color to legally and morally enjoy the American dream. She understands that we are a nation of immigrants.
9. Secretary Clinton will support and find ways to ensure economic growth in Africa. She will work to help educate and improve the health of African children; and empower struggling African countries.
10. Secretary Clinton will help build a viable economy that will create good-paying jobs for minority communities. She will increase the minimum wage to a respectable “living” wage. She will promote the development of minority businesses; and ensure that governmental agencies support Black-owned and other minority businesses. 11. Secretary Clinton will build a better, stronger public education system; and reduce the high drop-out rate in inner cities. She will become the “Education President.” She will support new avenues and programs that will leave no child behind.
12. Secretary Clinton will fight against all forms of racism and discrimination. She has the experience, expertise and a track record for standing up against bigotry and bullying.
13. Secretary Clinton will appoint and select a cabinet and administration that will reflect the demographics of this nation.
14. Secretary Clinton will defend this nation. She will protect this nation, and seek peace and strength across the globe.
15. Secretary Clinton will be the first female president of this great country because she is gifted, talented, thoughtful, prepared, experienced, and compassionate. She knows we are truly “STRONGER TOGETHER !”
Be Encouraged !