Amid losses in Freddie Gray case, Baltimore prosecutor receives death threats and calls to resign
[subtitle] FBI Confirms investigation of hate messages [/subtitle]
Special to the Outlook from Trice Edney News Wire
Following two acquittals and one mistrial in the Freddie Gray case Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has been on the receiving end of death threats, harassment and racists comments through e-mail, according to reports.
In the past week, Maryland Del. Pat McDonough, R-Dist. 7, has launched a petition calling for Mosby to step down and a George Washington University Law professor John Banzhaf III has filed a formal complaint with the Maryland’s Attorney Grievance Commission. The next officer’s trial is set to start this week and, currently, five of the six officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death are suing Mosby.
Gray, 25, died April 19 of last year, a week after his neck was broken while he was handcuffed and shackled, but unrestrained, in the back of a police van. Gray’s death was a pivotal moment in Baltimore, and set off more than a week of protests followed by looting, rioting and arson that prompted a citywide curfew.
In the aftermath, the city’s police chief was fired, and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced she wouldn’t run for re-election.The U.S. Department of Justice launched an investigation into allegations of excessive force and unwarranted stops.The Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office said they cannot comment on the allegedly threatening e-mails.
“Since the beginning of the State’s Attorney’s tenure, she has received numerous offensive and extremely disturbing racist, sexist hate mail and even death threats,” said spokeswoman Rochelle Ritchie in a July 1 statement. “While the State’s Attorney would like nothing more than to speak on these issues, the substance of these egregious attacks often pertain to the subject of open and pending cases where a gag order has been imposed by the Judge. Therefore she will continue to not only respect the court’s order but she will continue to pursue justice for all victims of crime in Baltimore city in an attempt to make our city a safer place.”
According to WBAL-TV, it obtained a sample of the threatening e-mails through a Public Information Act request to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office. One e-mailer submitted two fake news accounts detailing the demise of Mosby and her husband, Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby.
The first fake story says: “Marilyn Mosby was gunned down in cold blood walking into the courthouse. Not one officer came to assist. A police statement simply read, ‘Sucks to be her.’ Nobody will miss that (expletive).”The second fake story goes into morbid detail of the torture and dismemberment of Nick Mosby, saying: “Police issued a statement, ‘The death of Mr. Mosby does not appear to be suspicious. Several family members related to Mr. and Ms. Mosby have been reported missing. Police feel none of the missing are significant. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading.’”
Another e-mail stated: “You are out of your mind. When the violence starts and they turn their anger on you, maybe the officers will be a little slow to react. You are a cop hater. Marilyn Mosby is nothing but a (expletive) Black Panther (expletive). She should be hung.”According to WBAL, the FBI confirmed on July 1 that they are looking into hate mail and threats sent to Mosby. The FBI is working with the Baltimore Police Department.