Alpha Phi Alpha’s Beta Nu members gather at the 94th Annual General Convention
Special to the Outlook
The historic Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, established at Florida A&M College, now known as Florida A&M University or FAMU, by one of the fraternity’s original founders, Charles Henry Chapman, and the oldest college Alpha chapter in the state of Florida, recently gathered to celebrate at the National General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland July 12 – 16.
More than 20 Beta Nu brothers from around the country got together at the home of Brother Andre Hamill, who was FAMU’s Student Government President from 2002-2003. Brother Hamill is a Professor at Howard University, an Attorney and Real Estate Investor in his native Baltimore.
The dinner included Brothers spanning 65 years, with Brother Richard McGriff, who was initiated in 1952, as the oldest BN member present and Moses Lordes, Myles Milsap and Jabari Knox the newest initiates from spring 2017. Col. Brodes Hartley, Jr., a 1953 initiate, was also present. McGriff was Col. Harley’s membership dean.
Brother Pierre Rutledge, Chairman of the Rules and Credentials Committee for the General Convention, welcomed the Brothers and Brother Daryl Parks, General Counsel for the National Fraternity, shared their thoughts on the gathering of and the accomplishments of Beta Nu Brothers over the years.
The gathering is a tradition that dates back to the 1960’s where Alpha’s initiated at FAMU’s BN Chapter gather at either the Southern Regional Convention annually, or the General Convention bi-annually.