Active Living Expo Brings in Hundreds
By Chaninn Ragland
Outlook Writer
City of Tallahassee’s Department of Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Affairs, hosted their 17th Annual Active Living Expo Sept. 10-11, at the Tallahassee Senior Center (TSC).
Active Living Expo brings community resources together to inform senior citizens about opportunities in Tallahassee that’s available for them.
For more than 100 vendors and exhibitors from throughout the community were present. Many offered free health screenings, assistant living services seminars, arts & crafts and more.
This event also gave opportunities to different sponsors to come be a part of the community awareness. The expo is considered a big event for the Tallahassee Senior Center.
“Many folks keep coming back year after year,” said Kristy Carter, Assistant Director & Special Events at Tallahassee Senior Center Foundation. “They are able to get the resources they need. Some might not need service right now, but they would be aware.”
First time visitor, Marie Landon, 48, resident of Quincy, Fla., said, “The event was very informal. I’m not quite at retirement age yet, but it will be here faster they you think. Planning for that time now might be the good thing to do. It’s good to know about available resources for when that time comes.”
The TSC is not just a place where senior citizens gather together and share stories all day. Different and unique personalities fill the rooms of the TSC on a daily basis. The rooms are full of active adults bonding together and enjoying life while they can. “When I enter through the doors, I got greetings from almost every person I encounter with,” Landon said. “They make you feel so welcome, how they embrace your presence.”
TSC welcomes all active adults of all ages to come learn about exciting classes, activities, seminars, workshops they have to offer. They encourage seniors to come make new friends and connect with other active adults.