Fifth in a Series: The Divine Knowledge and Reverence for the Real Jesus: Son of God
By Terry Steaple
As a Deacon in Training, I stand before you this evening with enormous humility, coupled with an equally enormous sense of responsibility.
The preceding presentations by Brothers Mobley, Menchion, Reaves, Riddick and Smith were not just informative, but divinely inspirational for me. Each presenter brought their unique style, yet in some ways revealed their spiritual gifts. In addition, these brothers raised the bar and mightily hoisted the standard of expectation.
I thank God for all the strong Christian men I have met at Bethel through the Pastoral Leadership Support Team and the Men’s Chorus. They have been a blessing to me in my Christian walk.
Finally, I want to express my sincere appreciation to Pastor R.B. Holmes for selecting me to ultimately become a Deacon to be of service to this great church and giving me the opportunity to make a presentation on the subject, “The Son of God.”
With the topic being “The Son of God,” it was obvious to me that Jesus is the Son of God. However, I became curious about the Father as He relates to the Son.
First Point: God’s Spiritual Blessings in Christ:
Ephesians 1: 3-10
How awesome is our Father to bless us in this mighty way!
Second Point: The Supremacy of Christ
Colossians 1: 15-22
How awesome is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
Final Point: Jesus is the Son, but who am I?
Genesis 1: 26-27; Ephesians 1: 5; John 1: 12
For 30 years, I didn’t really know who I was. Outwardly, one could observe that I had found success educationally and in the corporate health insurance industry. I didn’t share this identity issue with anyone because I knew I was standing on the shoulders of others that paved the way for my educational and professional opportunities. I felt an intense obligation to those that had come before me and after me. I was consumed with the fear of failure despite my apparent success.
Let me tell you what I finally discovered. I was raised in a missionary Baptist church and knew Jesus. However, I left Jesus when I went away to school. I found Jesus 30 years later when I was in one of life’s valleys and yielded to his invitation. That started the process and now I know who I am and to whom I belong.
Conclusion: John 8: 36
Free Indeed
I was lost in a world of sin, Jesus came and took me in.
I was blind but now I see, praise God I’m free.
My life has changed, it’s been rearranged, I’m looking, I’ve got Jesus to praise.
I hope that you can say along with me, praise God I’m free.
He took away the hurt, the guilt and the shame, He restored my life, I’m no longer the same.
He took away the pain and the misery, praise God I’m free!
Terry Steaple was formally ordained as a deacon at the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church on March 29, 2015.