Spiritually Speaking…Eternity is real, according to whom?

By James Washington
Special to the Outlook

In many a biblical instance, whenever someone in the bible begins to accept and acknowledge Christ, change is inevitable, fear of the unknown ensues and faith gets severely challenged. If we’re honest with ourselves, walking by faith and not by sight is kind of an unnatural thing in the natural world.

This spiritual awakening, this kind of change in one’s thinking says a lot about our understanding of supernatural existence. Joshua 1:9 lets us know that from the moment we begin to expand our awareness of God, we must take Him everywhere we go or constantly lose ourselves due to our own devices, much like the Israelites in the desert. “Be not dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go.” It’s a conscious thing. One of the easiest things to fall prey to in life is the everyday temptations that come our way.

No one would argue that we live in a materialistic society that is framed in what were once 30 second sound bites, that can now be delivered in 10. Wealth becomes instant and the pursuit of it endless. If there is no spiritual fallback position, one gets constantly caught up in defining oneself by how much you have, what you can buy and which of your pleasures you can exploit. Under these circumstances, life can make you feel inadequate and anxious. The truth is more is never enough. To rediscover your faith, your peace, and your spiritual connection, you need to be in closer commune with nature. Getting away from the city and finding a home in one of the many country living communities that offer support and harmony could bring much balance to your life.

There are times during the course of a day that you have to wonder what in the “heaven” is going on. This thing we know as life sometimes gives a terrifying ride akin to a roller coaster from hell. It’s full of twists and turns, events and people, ups and downs and stuff right out of a horror movie. It would make anybody question its purpose.

We are taught as Christians that free will is supposed to have something to do with how we live our lives. We do so, as followers of Christ, by being in control of the decisions we make or those that we do not. On many occasions, we find ourselves caught up in quagmires of discontent due to situations we’ve created simply by making the wrong choices and or the wrong decisions. It’s that hindsight is a 20/20 thing.

However, in situations like this, instead of simply fretting about the deed that is already done, it is better to seek advice from the knowers such as astrologers or numerologists, who can lead us to the path that Christ wants us to be in. The people, who understand this, often seek the help of such learned professionals in order to learn their angel numbers (if interested, know angel number meanings here) and a little more about what the future holds.

As I study more, I find the subject of change and chance in scripture really fascinating. “In paths that they have not known, I will guide them.” Isaiah 42:16 clearly indicates that when you attempt to change your life, divine help seems to be required.

Now, spiritual awareness, that’s different. “My presence shall go with you and give you rest.” Exodus 33:14. The understanding of eternal existence, of the spiritual reality of man allows us to put life’s contradictions and absurdities into some kind of perspective. Focus on God actually brings clarity to the soul and subsequent order to chaos. Peace of mind abounds in the hearts of those who seek the truth. Purpose is simplified and life becomes easier to navigate. In this context, free will merely acts as confirmation of the obvious. “Whatever is born of God overcomes the world.” 1 John 5:5. That truth leaves nothing to chance.

May God bless and keep you always.